Year End Review
As of now American Warrior has been open 7 months. I started this company on June 1, 2013. So far it's been a great learning experience.
Currently there are over 750 followers in Facebook and over 870 followers on Instagram in that short time.
Although social media is/has been a great way to get the name out there, at the end of the day, the most awareness comes from getting into the public eye and interacting directly with the public.
That being said, I applied for a local farmers market about 6 months ago and just last month was accepted finally. I will be at the Redlands Market Night starting Thursday, January 9. As well I have several other events lined up for the year. I'm excited to what the new year brings.
I truly appreciate all the support from everybody. I've had the opportunity to meet some great people.
Happy New Year Everybody and God bless the USA!